Winya has designed light wait and transparent divider screens to maximise safety within your workspace. These dividers assist in social distancing in workspaces and are easy for use in medical areas to seperate patients.
With unobstructed sneeze particles having the capability to travel over 6 meters its important to create barriers within your workspaces.
All divider models come in standard white easy clean finish with T stand base. Individual screens are 850mm x 2050mm (ask about custom sizing)
Model Types:
- Standard Workplace Screen
Easy Clean smooth finish makes this screen perfect for indoor office spaces. Use antibacterial wipes to keep it clean without damaging the screen. Enhance social distancing particularly where desks are close to minimise contact and spread of viruses.
- White Board Finish
White Board Finishes are easy clean and perfect for creating structure in your workspace. Not only does this screen enhance social distancing abilities but it also provides a means for maintaining processes and maximising work efficiency.
- Fully Sealed for Medical Purposes
The fully sealed divider has antimicrobial properties, an easy clean safe surface and fully sealed edges. This option is perfect for creating isolated spaces anywhere and is easily cleanable with antibacterial wipes.
Check our the Brochure below: