Modern Slavery Act
(NSW 2018 Act and Commonwealth 2018 Bill) Labour Rights and Anti – Corruption
Winya has taken a Leadership position in managing its Modern Slavery compliance.
As an SME we understand that our larger customers are going to have to report on their compliance, and as an SME we ask that our customers understand that we cannot possibly find the resources to fill out 100’s of different company’s different report formats, so we have provided this statement of both our position and compliance check methodologies.
Winya is Australia’s leading Supply Nation Registered Indigenous owned office furniture company.
Winya started this process in 2018 with a view to providing compliance documentation not just for its own business but to provide a template to make it easier for other Aboriginal owned and SME businesses to map their supply chain compliance and take appropriate actions.
Winya’s business model is unique. We place Indigenous people in apprenticeships and long-term rolls in our manufacturing around Australia. We work with remote communities as part of our supply chains to promote work where none exist and we work with prisons to create training and change to improve Indigenous outcomes.
Winya is a member of The United Nations Global Compact Australia and a signatory to the Global Compact to which we report our annual Commitment on Progress reports.

Winya is a member of SEDEX which we use to information in assess in supply chain partners with overseas factories in higher risk labour environments.

Statement of policy Winya models its human rights policy around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and has examined and will continue to examine its supply chains. These acts are in place to assure Winya’s best endeavour to establish and ensure that Modern Slavery does not exist in our supply chain.
Process Winya clarifies its supply chain compliance down to two tiers using a combination of supplier questionnaires and manufacturing site visits.
Bribery and Corruption Winya seeks a statement of compliance from its suppliers, down two tiers in relation to eliminating bribery and corruption from our supply chain as well as utilizing a program of staff policy and training to ensure absolute integrity.
Human and Labour Rights Winya seeks to verify that all employees within it supply chain to 2 tiers have the ability to:
- Choose who they work for
- Work in safe conditions
- Are paid properly for their work and including additional pay for additional work
- Have no restrictions on their movement (passports and identity documents are not held by others)
- Child labour is not engaged
Supply Chain Compliance check checked to two levels Winya surveys both its local and International major suppliers for compliance and then asks these suppliers to do the same with their top 10 suppliers. We have gone to the efforts of having our Compliance survey documents supplied in Mandarin in order to ensure that these are answered without confusion caused by language issues. An excerpt from one of our international surveys is shown below.

Winya’s supply chain monitoring is not static. Winya supply chain grows and we will seek to verify compliance with Human Rights and Anti-Corruption legislations and measure our progress against the Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.
For Further questions please contact Greg Welsh: Ph: 1300 184 6799